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If you have one or more missing teeth and you would like to invest in your smile and oral health, then dental implants are a viable solution for you. Dental implants can restore your teeth naturally, since they are embedded into the jawbone and look, feel and function just like your real teeth.

Dental implants in Cheltenham offer a stable and permanent tooth replacement solution to patients who wish to avoid conventional dentures and bridges. Depending on your individual needs and your dental situation, your dentist will have a crown, bridge or denture to fit on your dental implants. This restoration will be secure and will help you restore your smile and oral function permanently.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are small titanium posts that look like the roots of missing teeth. They are surgically fixed into the jawbone, where they gradually bond with the bone tissue to create a strong and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth. Dental implants can hold a replacement tooth, bridge or denture, depending on the number of teeth you are missing.

Benefits of dental implants

Compared to conventional tooth replacement methods, dental implants have many unique benefits. Empty spaces in your mouth, created by losing one or several teeth, can lead to additional health issues, such as the deterioration of your jawbone. The lack of stimulation provided by chewing and biting forces the jawbone to lose its strength and firmness. Unlike conventional bridges and dentures that simply sit on the gums, dental implants are the only restoration option that preserves and stimulates the natural bone. They also encourage the growth of new bone tissue.

Dental implants are a long-term solution. They may need adjustments from time to time; however, they can last a lifetime when properly placed and cared for. Strong and stable, dental implants restore your missing tooth so that they look and fit just like the rest of your teeth.

No more worrying that your dentures might slip or fall out and no need to stay at home because your smile looks unattractive. Dental implants in Cheltenham can help you speak comfortably, eat your favourite foods and retain your natural face shape and smile.

Contact us today to learn more