Urgent dental care in Cheltenham

Dental discomfort can be caused by a number of issues. At your emergency appointment, your dentist will investigate the problem and advise you of your treatment options.

Which symptoms require urgent attention

  • Facial swelling extending to the eye or neck.
  • Bleeding following an extraction that does not stop after 20 minutes pressure with a gauze/clean hankie (a small amount of oozing is normal just like if you had a grazed knee).
  • Bleeding due to trauma that does not stop.
  • Significant toothache preventing sleeping or eating, or associated with significant swelling or fever that cannot be managed with painkillers.

Visit A&E if you have any of the following symptoms

  • Facial swelling affecting vision or breathing, preventing mouth opening more than two fingers width.
  • Trauma causing loss of consciousness, double vision or vomiting.

Non urgent (can wait)

  • Loose or lost crowns, bridges or veneers
  • Broken, rubbing or loose dentures
  • Bleeding gums (occasional)
  • Broken, loose or lost fillings
  • Chipped teeth with no pain
  • Loose orthodontic wires that don’t cause trauma in your mouth

How to manage toothache

If there is a hole in the tooth, or a tooth has cracked causing discomfort and is now sensitive or sharp, a temporary filling can be packed into the space. These are widely available from supermarkets and pharmacies but are temporary and not to be used long-term. Your dentist may be able to supply you with a temporary kit and we advise that you should always consult with your dentist before you try this. Good cleaning with fluoride toothpaste and reducing sugar intake can help stop any potential decay getting worse. Desensitising/sensitive toothpaste like Sensodyne repair and protect can also help if you rub the toothpaste directly onto the affected area and do not rinse afterwards. Anesthetic gels such as Orajel can also help ease pain.

How to manage painful Wisdom teeth

Wisdom tooth pain is usually due to inflammation of the gum over the erupting tooth, which can be worsened by trauma from biting. Most flare ups can be managed with  thorough home care and should settle in a few days to a week. If you have difficulty swallowing, swelling in your face or cheek, or difficulty opening your mouth, call your dentist. You may need antibiotics if you have an infection or a minor infection that is spreading.

Ensure excellent cleaning – Even if it is painful to brush, the area must be kept clean to encourage healing.

Avoid Corsodyl mouthwash – Although it may seem like a good idea, avoid using Corsodyl mouthwash for more than a few days, as use for a few weeks as it could cause staining.

Soft diet – Eating soft foods will reduce the chance of trauma from biting.

Painkillers – You can take Ibuprofen or paracetamol to reduce inflammation but ensure you follow the instructions on the packet.

How to manage a lost crown

If you lose a crown, the best advice will be the personalised advice that you can get from a dentist. There are temporary repair kits but they are fiddly to use. Your dentist may be able to advise if it is OK to leave the crown off until normal dental care resumes.

Get in touch with our friendly team